HP L1908w 19-inch Widescreen LCD Monitor computer monitor

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created by HP
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Info modified on:
07 Mar 2024, 15:34:52
Long product name HP L1908w 19-inch Widescreen LCD Monitor computer monitor:

HP L1908w 19-inch Widescreen LCD Monitor

Short summary description HP L1908w 19-inch Widescreen LCD Monitor computer monitor:

HP L1908w 19-inch Widescreen LCD Monitor

Long summary description HP L1908w 19-inch Widescreen LCD Monitor computer monitor:

HP L1908w 19-inch Widescreen LCD Monitor

Limited 3 years parts, labour and on-site service, including backlight. Availability varies by region. Certain restrictions and exclusions apply. For details, contact HP Customer Support or Service
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