Sandberg S-Video+audio->Scart 10 m
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14 Mar 2024, 18:38:28
Długa nazwa produktu Sandberg S-Video+audio->Scart 10 m:

If your television supports S-video (Y/C signal), this cable is excellent for carrying the signal from the S-video TV Out on your computer graphics card to the television Scart plug. Sound is carried in the same cable via a mini jack from the sound card.

Sandberg S-Video+audio->Scart 10 m:

If your television supports S-video (Y/C signal), this cable is excellent for carrying the signal from the S-video TV Out on your computer graphics card to the television Scart plug. Sound is carried in the same cable via a mini jack from the sound card.

Krótkie podsumowanie opisu Sandberg S-Video+audio->Scart 10 m:

Sandberg S-Video+audio->Scart 10 m, 10 m, Czarny, 17,5 mm, 7,3 mm, 26,5 mm, 719 g

Długie podsumowanie opisu Sandberg S-Video+audio->Scart 10 m:

Sandberg S-Video+audio->Scart 10 m. Długość kabla: 10 m, Kolor produktu: Czarny. Szerokość opakowania: 17,5 mm, Głębokość opakowania: 7,3 mm, Wysokość opakowania: 26,5 mm. Złącze(a): S-Video, audio, Scart

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