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Info modified on:
25 Nov 2020, 15:23:28
Short summary description Canon CANOSCAN D646U:

Canon CANOSCAN D646U, 216 x 297 mm, 14 W, 1,8 kg, ScanGear CS-U, ScanGear Toolbox, OmniPage Pro 9.0 for Windows, Canon Plug-in Module CS-U, CanoScan..., ENERGY STAR, Microsoft Windows98/2000Pro/Me, Mac OS.8.6 or later

Long summary description Canon CANOSCAN D646U:

Canon CANOSCAN D646U. Max. skenovacia veľkosť: 216 x 297 mm. Spotreba elektrickej energie: 14 W. Hmotnosť: 1,8 kg. Dodávaný softvér: ScanGear CS-U, ScanGear Toolbox, OmniPage Pro 9.0 for Windows, Canon Plug-in Module CS-U, CanoScan.... Osvedčenia o udržateľnosti: ENERGY STAR

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